Our Story
In 2021, accountant Mario Tremblay and engineer Marc Lacroix joined forces to found ÉcoDélys, a company specializing in gastronomic products derived from entomophagy, particularly focused on the mealworm beetle. Mario is also a shareholder in another food industry company, the wine and spirits agency Divin
Paradis. In March 2024, the engineer and seasoned entrepreneur Romain Gagnon joined the team as president. Romain had previously founded Champagnon in 2000, the country's largest oyster mushroom farm. From 2009 to 2019, he led the alternative bakery Inéwa. In 2004, he authored a nutrition bestseller "Vivre mince, gourmand et en santé," which remains highly relevant today.
Our Mission
Humanity is heading straight into a wall if it doesn't take control of its ecological responsibilities. Traditional agriculture will no longer be able to sustain a continuously growing global population. While the technology exists to make farming sustainable, production costs will skyrocket. Meat will become a luxury only accessible to the wealthy.
Veganism might be more environmentally friendly than traditional agriculture, but it doesn't fulfill all of human nutritional needs. Entomophagy (eating insects) comes to the rescue, providing foods as nutritious as those from traditional agriculture but with even less environmental impact than veganism.
The breeding of insects generates fewer greenhouse gases than meat. For the same quantity of proteins, chicken produces 23% to 167% more greenhouse gases than insects and up to 1200%
more for beef [1].
We founded ÉcoDélys to explore the gastronomic aspect of entomophagy. Our first product is a spread that is strikingly similar to the finest liver pâtés, but with a better nutritional profile.
[1] Voirhttps://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s13593-017-0452-8
Discover Our Vision and Commitment
- We created the brand TÉNÉBRION GOURMAND to explore the gastronomic aspect of entomophagy.
- Our first product is a spread that is strikingly similar to the finest liver pâtés, but with a better nutritional profile.
- Our patent-pending process allows for the extraction of the mealworm larva's exoskeleton, providing a better mouthfeel, and sterilizes the flesh, eliminating contamination risks and facilitating product preservation.
- Our mealworms are bred by TriCycle in circular and local economy from spent grain, an otherwise industrial waste, resulting in brewing 3 Brasseurs's beer.
Quality and Sustainability
Not all proteins are created equal. Unlike plant-based protein sources, which always lack at least one amino acid, our spreads offer a complete protein profile. In fact, our protein rating (PDCAAS) is on par with the best steaks. Moreover, the saturated fat content of our spreads is far lower than any other traditional product with a similar taste.
Additionally, the production of our mealworms employs circular economy principles. They are raised on a food waste product called "spent grain" that results from beer brewing, which would otherwise be discarded. Our patent-pending process allows for the extraction of the mealworm larva's exoskeleton, providing a better mouthfeel, and sterilizes the flesh, eliminating contamination risks and facilitating product preservation. The exoskeleton is then recycled as fertilizer for agriculture.